New Training: Writing Great User Stories

Better product, enhanced team collaboration… What’s not to love?
Bryan Cooke

User stories enable Agile teams to do what’s most important—place end users at the forefront of product development and capture their needs via product functionality. Learn how to write them—and write them well—to take your software to the next level and enhance team creativity and collaboration.

A user story is a journey toward project vision, plain and simple. As an integral component of the Agile development process, they not only allow you to translate user needs into a well-functioning software, but also enable teams to fully understand their end users and ultimately step into their shoes.

However, they are all too often misused to describe all product functionality. If left unchecked, everything becomes a user story—even if no user is involved.

Learn to craft well-written, effective user stories, and reap maximum benefits as a result.

In this training you will learn:

  • What user stories are, why they’re useful, and why successful teams utilize them
  • The elements that comprise an effective user story
  • How to write a great user story using the INVEST principle
  • How to work with acceptance criteria
  • The Iceberg Principle and how to distill more complex topics into powerful user stories
  • How user stories facilitate fruitful conversations within your team
  • How to identify and troubleshoot common pitfalls
  • Additional tools used to capture user needs and system requirements

Our approach to training:

“We remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, and 90% of what we do.” - Edgar Dale

Making this the basis of our philosophy, this training will be hands-on and full of practical exercises and examples, teamwork and discussions.


This course is designed for all tech and non-tech people who desire to learn a fantastic user-centric method for communicating requirements within development or product teams. Agile teams (or teams on their way to agility), Agile developers, project managers, product owners, marketing managers, agile coaches, and Scrum masters are all welcome.



Prior knowledge


Technical Requirements

  • Stable Internet connection
  • Zoom
  • Headphones and Microphone
  • Webcam
  • Miro Login (invitation will be sent in advance)
  • Format

Half-day course: 4-hour session with practical examples

Interested in this training? Please get in touch!

Image: Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash